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Our Search for Sanctuary

At its best, home provides us with a refuge
from the speed and stress of modern life.

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Explore your notion of Sanctuary

If you want to get to know someone, listen to their story of home. Intimacy builds as we answer these questions: Where do you come from? What did you leave behind? Where do you feel the greatest sense of community and belonging?


Coming Soon

Online Writing Workshops 
Tell Your Story of Home 

About our memoir classes

Home is bigger than four walls.  We can find it in art and literature,  in the natural world, and in friendship and community.  Anyplace the heart soars.  This four-part class combines writing prompts and in-depth conversation about our longing for home and sanctuary.

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Valerie Andrews founded this non-profit digital magazine in 2019, considering how home sets the stage for the unfolding of our lives.

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